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Oded’s Story

  • Date Submitted: Jan 13, 2023
Oded was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago. It was considered a low risk tumor and he was put on active surveillance. When his PSA began to rise he started to research treatment options and found Cyberknife was recommended. He discussed this treatment with his urologist who agreed that it was an option for him. Oded was in the process of moving to Jupiter and after doing some research found Dr. Raj Rajpara at Jupiter Medical Center. His urologist knew Dr. Rajpara and recommended he see him. Dr. Rajpara recommended he receive an injection of SpaceOAR hyrdrogel prior to his treatment to lessen the side effects associated with treating prostate cancer. Cyberknife treatments were given every other day for a total of five treatments. Oded experienced some side effects, discussed them with Dr. Rajpara and they were managed effectively. Within a week after completing his treatment Oded was feeling good, back in the gym and traveling. “I felt very comfortable with Dr. Rajpara from the beginning, he is very knowledgeable. I think I was lucky to find him and the treatment I had.”